About the Business
I'm a Hull based Marketer that likes her job. I've been in the industry for around twelve years since leaving University, and made the leap to full time freelance about three years ago. I'm a qualified traditional marketer and have a Degree and CIM diploma, but also being drawn to things of a technical nature (I blame my Commodore 64 in the 80's!) I decided about nine years ago to find out what the internet meant to an organisations brand, their Sales and Marketing efforts, and functions like PR. I felt that most marketing people (or even most people!) were a little bit in the dark when it came to the internet (it was often seen as an IT role, although that's changing now) so I started to learn how I could blend the two. It worked a treat and now that's my main role as a hands-on consultant - linking up the web with traditional marketing principles.
Location & Hours

Bannister Drive